Friday, June 6, 2008

Andy McKenna conducts a crooked convention in Decatur

Professor of Law (Adj.)
“He Works for the People of Illinois”
Suite 4406, 30 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-4723
Toll-free tel. (866) 706-ANDY
Toll-free fax (866) 707-ANDY
Web site:

June 7, 2008

Re: State Convention (Decatur, June 7)


Dear Republican:

I predicted Andy McKenna and his munchkins would try to rig the State Convention. They are well on their way to doing so.

Pat Brady is the newly-coined “Combine” candidate for National Committeeman. McKenna put all the names of my National Committeeman opponents on the party’s web site, and refused to list my name. He was afraid I would beat Brady. McKenna told a judge I had not “proven” I was an eligible candidate and he bizarrely demanded to be sued. Brady will get his wish. McKenna is making a joke of you when he treats you like children, and asks you to support this kind of crooked behavior.

I will be removing Ray LaHood’s name from my lawsuit, and adding
Brady. A vote which was taken by excluding me as one of the candidates is illegal under Illinois law. The judge gave me permission to refile after the conclusion of the convention. The battle to reform and open up the Republican Party to democracy will continue. Because the State convention is mandated under Illinois law, “state action” is involved, and McKenna’s shenanigans violate the Illinois Constitution, as well as federal civil rights laws.

Likewise, Demetra DeMonte has been one of McKenna’s Central Illinois attack dogs. She is another county chair that does not believe in democracy. But rigging primaries and cheating candidates will not win general elections. Because I am not a woman, I am not challenging the dirty tricks involving DeMonte’s efforts to become National Committeewoman. But you should vote against her.

I have previously advised you that McKenna uses the Illinois Republican Party’s (IRP) bank accounts illegally, to benefit his friends and favored candidates, all in violation of state and federal election laws. The IRP’s bank accounts are trust funds, which should be used to benefit Republican candidates in November, not to rig primaries and conventions. In the short run, it is difficult to stop McKenna’s larceny and criminality. In the long run, next November, Republicans will be slaughtered because of McKenna’s sabotage of the party.

There will be no money to fight Democrats because McKenna spent the IRP’s trust funds fighting Republicans. Indeed, that is what the Combine wants, to reduce the Republican Party to a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party. McKenna is well on his way to accomplishing that mission for his billionaire daddy. Daddy McKenna is a big Daley contributor.

I ask that you wage a floor fight to elect me national Committeeman. I am the only candidate who has a proven track record of exposing political corruption in Illinois. And, I will be fighting for you after the convention, seeking to invalidate all action taken in Decatur as being in violation of federal and state election laws. I am not pressing my lawsuit to make money; my claim does not seek any money damages from anyone. Rather, I am fighting to build a party you can be proud of, instead of McKenna’s gangster clique that we are all ashamed of.

If Lincoln could see what his successors were doing, he would vomit. And start a Civil War.

As always, your comments and responses are welcome. Feel free to send me your impressions of the farce in Decatur; I will take your views and observations to the Circuit Judge in my Amended Complaint next week, so be aware your comments could become public.




Monday, June 2, 2008

Andy Martin wins partial court victory in Republican Party conflict

Professor of Law (Adj.)
“He Works for the People of Illinois”
Suite 4406, 30 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-4723
Toll-free tel. (866) 706-ANDY
Toll-free fax (866) 707-ANDY
Web site:

June 3, 2008

Re: State Convention (Decatur, June 6-7)

Dear Republican:

Yesterday was a sad day for the Republican Party in Illinois. It is now clear that there us nothing Andy McKenna and his gang of thieves will not do to violate state election laws and to suppress participation in the Republican Party.

We had a court hearing on my efforts to enforce the state Election Code against McKenna, Roupas, Gerson and the rest of their clique. McKenna has been trying to hold down participation in the State convention by inventing imaginary rules in Cook County. I didn’t win an injunction but I won permission to continue the war against corruption inside the Republican Party.

The arguments presented by the Republican Party’s new law firm, Schirott and Luetkehans, P.C., were pathetic. Here are some of their claims:

I had not proven I was “legally qualified” to run for National Committeeman;

I had not sued the Republican Party, and had instead only sued Republicans who were responsible for violating the Election Code;

The party had no obligation to release delegate lists and could in effect conduct a secret convention.

Sad? You bet. McKenna and his stooges on the state committee, such as Tolbert Chisum, who is linked to McKenna as a banker for Schwarz Paper Company, are systematically destroying the Republican Party to perpetuate themselves in power. I ordered a transcript of the court hearing and it will be available to you when I receive it, so you can make up your own mind about my efforts.

Is this the end? Not at all. The judge granted me leave to file a new complaint and I will be doing so next week. We may lose in the trial court, but then we will appeal, where I think we have a better chance of winning a major victory. I need to be patient and persistent and I will be. “I will not falter” and so forth.

Ideally parties should not be run through lawsuits. A party should operate collegially, so that all sides and all points of view are welcome. But McKenna uses his ”law student” poodle, Lee Roupas, who has no more business being Cook county chairman than I have being a brain surgeon, to play dumb and do what Roupas is told: kill the party. Well, maybe Roupas is not really playing dumb. He really is dumb, if he thinks he can succeed by discouraging people from participating to entrench McKenna’s band of thieves in control.

Here are the facts as I saw them on Chicago is entitled to a total of approximately 236 delegates and alternates at the State convention in Decatur. How many are going? 36. In other words, 85% of the Republican Party delegate slots in Chicago are being disenfranchised. Racist? You bet. McKenna and his country club types in the north suburbs treat Chicago worse than a Bantustan.

There are large numbers of Republicans in the city who want to participate. But McKenna only wants stooges, not independent activists. Crooks like Roupas are locking the doors to lock in "public officials" who end up as defendants in federal criminal prosecutions. Another McKenna poodle is Eloise Gerson. Eighty-five percent of the delegate/alternate slots in the city are vacant, but--Surprise!--Gerson claims all her slots in my 42nd ward are full. No help wanted. Go away. Can we check that? No, because the list of delegates is secret. In other words, Gerson is just another slimy McKenna stooge, trying to discourage and destroy the party in the city. Gerson the crook, Roupas the crooked law student, a law firm that protests we did not sue enough defendants and that makes goofy arguments in court, it’s all linked to corrupt “Combine”-style politics in this city, county and state.

Are you embarrassed that 85% of the slots from Chicago have deliberately been kept vacant? You should be. That’s why the party has been steadily losing public offices in the Cook County suburbs. Andy McKenna will not stop until there is nothing left to destroy, no one left to discourage, no deal he can’t fix for his corrupt billionaire daddy. Americans are dying in Iraq to bring democracy to the Middle East, while Lee Roupas and Eloise Gerson and their cronies are destroying democracy in Chicago.

Why is the city important? Let me be clear: the Republican suburbs will not survive if Republicans keep losing strength in the city. I have over forty years of political experience in this state. I remember when the suburban townships were overwhelmingly Republican. Each election cycle Republican strength drops. In small bites, the Democrats pick off a state rep here, a senator there. Districts that overlap the city and suburbs become de facto city districts.

No, Republicans are not about to win a citywide election in Chicago. But when we chase away young people and new recruits who want to contribute to holding down the Democratic majority in the city, and helping statewide candidates win, we jeopardize those statewide candidates. McKenna is driving away party growth and party votes. Remember: 85% vacant slots to the State convention, while people who want to join and serve are being turned away. Sad.

Chicago is a vibrant city with a reformist culture. There is fertile ground to recruit a new generation of “R’s” who are disgusted at the Daley family’s kleptocracy. But McKenna, Gerson and Roupas lock out new recruits to hold on to their shrinking intra-party power base.

How did Barack Obama become a national power? Because the jerks on the state committee who chose McKenna also chose an out-of-state clown to run against Obama. We made Obama look good by making fools of our party. Republicans across the country should be cursing the incompetent boobs in the Illinois Republican Party.

Winning a court injunction is never an easy task. I made a solid presentation. Some people in the audience said I was “better than Boston Legal.” And, the judge gave me a significant victory. I told her I would be back in court after the convention to nullify the Brady selection as national Committeeman, and to nullify the national convention delegate selections and presidential elector selections because these choices were made by an illegally constituted convention. The judge gave me permission to file an amended complaint after the convention. She may not have been willing to shut down the circus, but she insured that challenges to McKenna’s three-ring travesty will continue in trial and appellate courts.

I have been on the job for over four decades fighting political corruption and arrogance. I will keep working for the People of Illinois, and I will keep fighting to make the Republican Party a paragon of democratic values and not the ossified gang of pirates it is today. Remember, Americans are dying for democracy in Iraq while democracy is dying right here within the Illinois Republican Party. As I said, it was a sad day for those of us who believe in public integrity, lower taxes, less government, and effective public policy.

As always, your comments and responses are welcome.


